Much Thanks!

I hope I don't leave anyone out if I do leave me a comment and I can add you to the much thanks! I appreciate everything you have done for our family!
First i want to thank my amazing husband Chris. He is my rock and has been by my side for this journey. Words can't describe how much he means to me. I love you Chris!
Much thanks to Chris' work associates for donating two weeks of their own vacation pay to let him stay home with me and the girls. This was such a great gift! we cherished everyday he was home. Thanks all!
Uncle Seanie for living with us for 13 days. Cooking, cleaning and caring for the girls, Chris and me.
Thanks Michelle B, angela, mary ann H for letting me borrow your shower chair, side table, bed table
Car pool ladies for Millie--Michelle, Gina, Jaylynn, Deanna
Car pool for Ellie--Amy Buckley
Esther, Christina M, Christina S, Jackie, Camille/Don, Nikki, Barb/John, Stacie T/Dianna/Roger, Michelle, Kris, Julie J, Jen M, Zalia, Deborah W, Kim W, Kelly C, Crystal B, Jen W Kate/Carl A, Tamra F, any Edgemont PTA members i missed, Angela/Louie/Dawn, Melissa A, Connie H, Suzy/Danna, Jill, Jackie, Stacie, Heather, Jenny, Tim, any other Cresent 23rd ward members i missed.
Colleen/Jenica, Jenn/Jenny/Tim/Stacie, Camile/Don, barb/john
Watching the kids
Crystal, Esther, Jackie, Adie, Melissa, Louie, Kate, Barb, Jackie, Amy, Tamara, Jen, Suzy, Jen, Tommy, Jill

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

april 17, 2010

going home day. this morning we found out we got our credit card stolen from the 7 11 gas station pump and was used in LA, CA. what a great way to start the day. doc said i can go home. take one more shower for the road. i get my IVs and staples out. also get one more stomach shot, blood thinner. so glad to be going home. i rode in a wheel chair downstairs because i didnt feel strong enough to walk. Got home and all the tulips were out and blooming. Chris' sister Jill came over and cleaned the whole house. it looked amazing. so nice to come home to a clean house. First thing i did when i got out of the car was walk around the house to see the backyard and garden. Oh how i wish i could be digging in the dirt right now.
Off to bed for a nap and dinner brought to me on a tray. I felt like a princess, with a ripped open abdomen. Home sweet home.

1 comment:

  1. For all you know, Sara, Çinderella and all the rest have huge scars on their tummies, too; their puffy dresses just don't reveal them. You are a princess--abdomen and all!
