Much Thanks!

I hope I don't leave anyone out if I do leave me a comment and I can add you to the much thanks! I appreciate everything you have done for our family!
First i want to thank my amazing husband Chris. He is my rock and has been by my side for this journey. Words can't describe how much he means to me. I love you Chris!
Much thanks to Chris' work associates for donating two weeks of their own vacation pay to let him stay home with me and the girls. This was such a great gift! we cherished everyday he was home. Thanks all!
Uncle Seanie for living with us for 13 days. Cooking, cleaning and caring for the girls, Chris and me.
Thanks Michelle B, angela, mary ann H for letting me borrow your shower chair, side table, bed table
Car pool ladies for Millie--Michelle, Gina, Jaylynn, Deanna
Car pool for Ellie--Amy Buckley
Esther, Christina M, Christina S, Jackie, Camille/Don, Nikki, Barb/John, Stacie T/Dianna/Roger, Michelle, Kris, Julie J, Jen M, Zalia, Deborah W, Kim W, Kelly C, Crystal B, Jen W Kate/Carl A, Tamra F, any Edgemont PTA members i missed, Angela/Louie/Dawn, Melissa A, Connie H, Suzy/Danna, Jill, Jackie, Stacie, Heather, Jenny, Tim, any other Cresent 23rd ward members i missed.
Colleen/Jenica, Jenn/Jenny/Tim/Stacie, Camile/Don, barb/john
Watching the kids
Crystal, Esther, Jackie, Adie, Melissa, Louie, Kate, Barb, Jackie, Amy, Tamara, Jen, Suzy, Jen, Tommy, Jill

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

May 16, 2010

Yeah I had big plans for this day but it didn't work out. Chris mow the lawn and got some stuff done in the yard which I usually am in charge of. This would be chris' fourth time mowing the lawn since we have lived in this house since 2004. I take great pride in the yard work. Chris makes the money, I make sure everything at home is spic and span. I slept for a few hours sat outside for a little while, watered the garden and back inside to rest some more. Tomorrow is a big day, radiation and chemo again. I have done it before but I was still very hesitant to go. I thought to myself, "Sara, you don't need to go do this, cancer is just a way for doctors and insurance companies to make money." okay not all true, but i do have cancer and wishing it away is not going to work in my case.

1 comment:

  1. You are my soul sister in so many ways. One of the hardest things for me was to temporarily surrender one of my favorite activities--mowing the lawns. No worries, though. I assure you (and you already know) that when you're back at it, the clippings will smell sweeter, and the sweat drops more welcome. Love it.

    And yes, getting back in the saddle is another expression of triumph!
